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Shopify by BedayaConnect

Connect your Shopify store to bexio and save hours of manual work! Simply synchronize your Shopify customers, products and orders with bexio – thanks to BedayaConnect.

More about Shopify by BedayaConnect

Keep Shopify synchronized with bexio!

BedayaConnect enables you to synchronize your Shopify customers, products, and orders with bexio. Use BedayaConnect to connect your bexio account to your Shopify store. Once connected and configured BedayaConnect will automatically transfer your Shopify products, customers, and orders to bexio.

The following can be synced from Shopify to bexio:

  • Products in Shopify can be synchronized using the SKU, Product Name or Variant SKU to match products in bexio
  • Customers
  • Orders: can be created in bexio as orders or invoices

The following can be synced from bexio to Shopify:

  • Paid invoices: After an invoice is paid in bexio it will update the Shopify order status to paid
  • Stock amount: The current stock amount of a product in bexio is written into Shopify

How it works

By clicking on «Add App» you will be redirected to BedayaConnect. Login directly with your bexio account, activate Shopify and start the setup.

Did you know?

Would you like support with the set-up or import process? Or further customization options? Write to us via e-mail at [email protected]

More informations
Bedaya GmbH,
Nägeligasse 7,
6370 Stans
Available languages
DE / EN / FR
17. Aug 2020

Prices Free Trial available

From $24.99 /month
  • Export Shopify orders to bexio
  • Export Shopify products to bexio
  • Export Shopify customers to bexio
  • Import inventory levels from bexio

Test the Shopify connection 14 days for free now!

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