Why bexio?

What added value does bexio offer? We asked our customers to find out. 70'000 customers can't be wrong. Below are the results of our survey. bexio customers save an average of almost CHF 6'000 every year!

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Hello free time!

Thanks to bexio, our customers save an average of 3,3 hours of office work every week!

Would you like to join them?

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Why wait any longer?

bexio users get their invoices paid 26% faster on average.

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Goodbye time-wasting!

bexio reduces administrative cost and effort by an average of 38%.


Business software that takes you straight to the pole position

Companies that use bexio accelerate their order processing by 39%.


More time to do what you really enjoy

bexio customers perform their accounting tasks 44% faster.


That's how we (pay)roll!

bexio customers are doing their payroll accounting 38% faster now that they’ve started using bexio’s payroll accounting.

More on the subject of payroll accounting


More for your customers

On average, bexio users have 29% more time for customer care.

More about contact management in bexio


Brave new automated world

Thanks to the interfaces to various banks, bexio customers save 2,4 hours of typing time every week.

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SMEs riding on a wave of success

2 out of 3 bexio customers have been more successful since they started working with bexio.

This data comes from a survey conducted by bexio from December 2020 to January 2021 among around 30'000 existing customers.

Test out bexio now for 30 days free of charge and with no obligation

Test all the features of bexio, the simple business software for your SME administration.

Any more questions? Give us a call: +41 71 552 00 61
You’d rather write? [email protected]
blond woman bexio dashboard