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From patient scheduling to billing in bexio, the Tariff 590 practice management solution gives you everything you need to focus on the essential part of your job.

More about TinkTime

We have relied on the experience and needs of long-time therapists and complementary physicians. Together with them, we have implemented exactly those functions that ensure flexibility on the one hand, and guarantee efficiency on the other hand.

  • For therapists and joint practices: The creation of an individual service catalog is just as possible as different deployment schedules or vacation absences. You determine who can be booked and when.
  • Recovery document at the push of a button: Create recovery documents efficiently: Enter treatment type and duration, if not already created by online registration by the customer. And the tariff 590 recovery document gets created.
  • Conveniently book appointments online: You determine which time blocks you want to release to your customers for booking. Customers can choose a treatment time themselves.

Quickly and flexibly set up

No matter if you work as an individual or if you are associated with several therapists in a joint practice: Simply create a contact, select treatment and time requirements. Voilà - your clients can book you.

Efficient in managing and billing services

Office work does not generate income. Instead, it costs time and nerves. TinkTime in combination with bexio, the leading Swiss accounting and business solution, saves you massive amounts of work and gives you a unique overview.

Secure and patient-friendly

Until now, you couldn't make appointments during your treatments without interrupting your work. With TinkTime you give your customers the possibility to book appointments when they have time: During the day, evenings or weekends.

Mobile first

TinkTime was developed according to the "mobile first" principle. That means it must be easy to use on tablets or mobiles and remain clear at all times. Of course, this also works on a PC.

More informations
TinkTime AG,
Gewerbestrasse 6,
6330 Cham
Available languages
16. Feb 2021

Prices Free Trial available

CHF 10.– /month
  • Practice management
  • Appointment management
  • Invoicing via bexio
  • Tariff590 reimbursement form
  • Import customer data

Benefit from 3 months free trial!

CHF 25.– /month and employee
  • Practice management
  • Appointment management
  • Invoice creation via bexio
  • Tariff590 reimbursement form
  • Import customer data
  • Customer login
  • Online appointment booking for your customers
  • Multiple locations
  • Multiple employees
  • Company color scheme

Benefit from 3 months free trial period!

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